🐬Flipper FAQs

Play against other collectors in real time and flip to win rare and discounted NFTs. Boost token rewards by holding one or more of our Splash Dawg NFTs every time you flip.

How It Works

  • To play, connect your wallet, select the card you wish to flip, sign the transaction and claim your reward.

  • Flip winnings a combination of fungible token and NFTs.

  • Dawg holders get token boosts for every Dawg they own.


How can I boost my token rewards?

Purchase Dawg NFTs to get a Monet Token bonus per Dawg owned on each flip. There will be a maximum reward threshold that is dependent on each game.

What is the minimum prize?

There will always be a minimum token prize available whether you win an NFT or not. The minimum token prize is dependent on each game.

Last updated